The contract with Plzeňská Energetika a.s. for renewal of the existing combustion system, including installation of low-NOx burners and renovation of the flue gas system of boiler K3 was signed on 23 October, 2018.

The main target of the refurbishment is to reduce NOx emissions from the lignite fired boiler to make it meet European emission norms.

The solution to be delivered is based on primary reduction methods, i.e. the key will be to prevent formation of NOx in the combustion process. This brings a significant benefit for the customer in the long run, as there will be no increase in the operating costs, which would be the case with only using secondary measures for reduction of NOx emissions.

The project has already started its design phase and the actual work at the site will  take place during summer 2019, with the final project hand over planned for early 2020.

“Fortum has a long history and experience in providing solutions to reduce emissions, enabling our customers to meet the ever tightening environmental regulations. Our expertise will allow the Plzeň power plant to do just that and simultaneously improve its performance”, summarizes Kari Lahti, Head of Environmental Performance, Fortum eNext.

“Our first international project to reduce emissions was conducted in Czech Republic in 1994 and we see that we can still do a lot with our partners in Central and Eastern Europe to work together towards a cleaner world,” he concludes.

Source: Company Press Release