The well belongs to production licence 870 (PL 870), for which Equinor is the operator.

The well is located north east of the Utsira High in the North Sea, approximately 115 kilometres from land (Utsira), at the geographical coordinates:

59º30’35.21’’ N

02º54’50.74’’ E

Water depth at the site is 123 metres.

Drilling will begin in early January 2019 and is estimated to last 35 days.

Exploration well 25/6-6 S will be drilled by Transocean Spitsbergen, which is a semi-submersible mobile drilling facility of the Aker H-6e type, owned and operated by Transocean Offshore Ltd. The facility was built at the Aker Stord yard in 2009, is registered in the Marshall Islands and classified by DNV GL.

Source: Company Press Release