Enel Green Power España (EGPE) has started construction of three wind farms with a combined capacity of around 90MW in the Spanish province of Teruel.


Image: EGPE has started construction of three wind farms with a combined capacity of around 90MW. Photo courtesy of andrew sim/Freeimages.com.

The three wind farms are spread across the municipalities of Allueva, Fonfría, Mezquita de Jarque, Fuentes Calientes, Cañada Vellida and Rillo in the Spanish province of Teruel, in the region of Aragon. EGPE is investing approximately €88m for the construction of the three facilities.

The Allueva plant is a 7-turbine facility with an expected capacity of more than 25MW; Sierra Pelarda wind farm with 4-turbines is situated in Fonfría and produces roughly 15MW. The largest of the three facilities is the 14-turbine Sierra Costera I, which has a capacity of approximately 50MW.

Sierra Costera I is situated across the municipalities of Mezquita de Jarque, Fuentes Calientes, Cañada Vellida and Rillo.

Endesa CEO José Bogas said: “We are glad to announce the start of construction of these new wind projects, Allueva, Sierra Pelarda and Sierra Costera I, which bring the total renewable capacity we are building in Spain to around 900MW.

“These plants mark the acceleration on a new wave of growth in the renewable energy space that Endesa is committed to pursue in the next years, driving the energy transition in Spain.”

The three wind farms are expected to start operations by the end of 2019, and once completed, they are would generate more than 295GWh per annum. They are expected to reduce the annual emission of approximately 196,000tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Enel Green Power (EGP) head Antonio Cammisecra said: “Through the construction of these projects, we reaffirm our commitment to leverage on Enel’s sustainable and innovative approach, benefitting the province of Teruel and Spain as a whole.

“With our relentless work aimed at boosting our installed wind and solar capacity we are concretely diversifying the Spanish energy mix and helping the country towards its renewable energy targets.”

Along with these three facilities, EGPE holds a total of six wind farms under construction in the Teruel province, which are expected to start operations by the end of 2019.

The six wind farms would make a total installed capacity of approximately 218MW and are expected to generate around 708GWh per annum.