The move recognizes China’s position as a world leader in the technology and is another important chapter in DNV GL’s relationship with the country, having first opened an office in Xiamen in 1888.
The proximity to a leading AI innovation hub will allow DNV GL to collaborate with partners at the forefront of the technology.
AI is considered as a general-purpose technology that will have implications on every aspect of future DNV GL operations, as well as the company’s customers and society at large. DNV GL aims to develop new solutions based on AI technology, such as computer vision (whereby a computer can carry out tasks that require high levels of visual recognition), at the same time as creating future assurance schemes for the complex algorithms associated with AI.
DNV GL is already utilizing disruptive technology to challenge operations that have remained largely unchanged for decades; for example, the company recently undertook the first set of remote surveys whereby inspections on board ships are carried out virtually using cameras, rather than in person. Blockchain has also become an integral technology to the company’s assurance operations, and Italian winemakers are amongst the first to use My Story™, an application that uses blockchain to track the whole supply chain. DNV GL has explored how AI could improve safety in the oil and gas industry.
“DNV GL is continuously investing in research, development and innovation and we are directing 5% of our global revenues to this. Our ambition is to be a technology leader, exploring new solutions for the benefit of our customers. I am therefore very proud that we are opening our first research centre in China. I look forward to see new projects building AI-based solutions with our customers,” said Remi Eriksen, Group President and CEO at DNV GL.
The new research centre will be headed by Michael Chen and will grow up to eight staff by the end of 2019. Michael has been with DNV GL for 12 years and he has extensive experience in innovation and software development.
“Establishing a dedicated AI research centre in Shanghai enables us to engage with and benefit from leading edge AI technology developments. We also look to close cooperation with leading Chinese companies willing to implement advanced services based on AI,” said Dr. Pierre C Sames, Group Technology and Research Director at DNV GL.
Source: Company Press Release.