The Danish government has approved construction on the offshore part of the Baltic Pipe project in Denmark’s territorial waters in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea.

The project is a 900km long natural gas pipeline that will span across Denmark, Sweden and Poland. It is being developed by Polish gas transmission system operator (TSO) GAZ-SYSTEM and its Danish counterpart Energinet, who had taken final investment decisions (FIDs) on the project in late 2018.

The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities issued two decisions for the gas pipeline project, one for GAZ-SYSTEM and the other for Energinet.

The approval given for the Polish TSO covers the two sections where the offshore pipeline on the Baltic Sea bed will be built.

One section will be from the shoreline in the Faxe region to the border of the Swedish maritime area, while the other will be from the Swedish maritime area, passing through the Danish maritime area around the Bornholm Island, up to the Polish maritime area.

The offshore section of the pipeline in each of the sections will be around 133km long.

The approval for Energinet covers two sections as well, one in the North Sea, and the other in Little Belt, a strait between Funen Island and Jutland Peninsula.

The North Sea section covers nearly 105km of pipeline from the existing Norwegian Europipe II pipeline till the Danish West Coast at Houstrup Strand in Jutland. The other section covers the 4km crossing of Little Belt.

GAZ-SYSTEM president Tomasz Stępień said: “The approval of the Danish government for the construction of the offshore part of Baltic Pipe is a key element for the Project implementation. It is a construction permit integrated with the environmental decision for the marine area.

“The documentation prepared by GAZ-SYSTEM provides for a number of technological solutions minimising the pipeline’s impact on the surroundings.”

Baltic Pipe project scheduled to begin service in late 2022

The Baltic Pipe project will transport natural gas produced in Norway to Denmark, Poland and other countries in the region. Expected to begin operations in October 2022, the offshore cum onshore pipeline will also facilitate reverse transmission from Poland to Denmark and Sweden.