Atlanta Gas Light today announced the expansion of its liquified natural gas (LNG) facility in Cherokee County. The project will double the facility’s capacity and will allow the company to stay ahead of projected natural gas demands in this fast-growing region for years to come.

The project includes the installation of a second tank, which will allow Atlanta Gas Light to store gas when it is most affordable and then have access to that supply during periods of peak demand. Construction is currently underway and will be completed in phases over the next three years.

“LNG storage is a valuable asset for our system that affords us more flexibility to meet the increasing demand for natural gas from our customers,” says Atlanta Gas Light President and CEO Pedro Cherry. “The project helps ensure our ability to provide clean, safe, reliable and affordable natural gas to the communities we serve when demand is at its highest.”
Liquefied natural gas is natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state, at about -260 degrees Fahrenheit, for shipping and storage. The volume of natural gas in its liquid state is about 600 times smaller than its volume in its gaseous state in a natural gas pipeline. While stored as LNG, it’s returned to its gaseous state, or regasified, for use by customers.

This facility is part of Atlanta Gas Light’s first ever Integrated Capacity Development Plan (i-CDP), which was approved by the Georgia Public Service Commission in November 2021. The i-CDP provides insight into the company’s long-range plans for initiatives that will enable it to meet increased demand and deliver superior customer service while continuing to serve the energy needs of the state safely and reliably.