French independent power producer Akuo Energy has inaugurated the 50MW PECASA wind farm in the Dominican Republic.

The wind farm is majority-owned by Akuo Energy alongside Siemens Financial Services. The plant also received $80m (£63.11m) funding from International Finance Corporation (IFC), along with support from the Canadian government within the framework of the IFC- Canada Climate Change Program.

PECASA wind farm is powered by  25 of 2MW turbines

The wind farm is powered by 25 of 2MW turbines and the project is expected to contribute significantly to Dominican Republic’s energy transition.

The wind farm will generate enough clean electricity to be supplied to 150,000 homes in Monte Cristi province and could contribute substantially to the region’s electricity demand. In terms of environmental benefits, the wind farm can help in avoiding 142,000 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere annually.

The roads built to develop the project will also help enhance agricultural plots and develop grazing. The wind farm is claimed to be an exemplary project for the entire Caribbean region.

The Dominican Republic has an ambition of developing renewable energy, with the aim of generating 25% of its electricity from renewable resources by 2025. The newly inaugurated wind farm is expected to bring Dominicans access to competitive energy, while reducing the country’s dependency on fossil fuels.

Akuo Energy chairman and cofounder Eric Scotto said: “The size of this project matches the Dominican government’s ambitions regarding its energy transition. President Medina’s presence is an illustration of just how important this project is for the country. Akuo Energy is eager to work alongside Dominican players over the long term, and PECASA is a first step in this direction.”

In March, Akuo Energy partnered with ECT to create a joint subsidiary, ACT-E. The joint subsidiary was formed to increase the production of solar energy in the Paris region.

ACT-E plans to take local territorial approach, where by it will provide Paris inhabitants with locally produced green energy. The first project of ACT-E is a 17MW solar plant in Annet-sur-Marne, to the east of Paris.