Bronswerk Heat Transfer is the leader in the field of designing and manufacturing shell and tube heat exchangers in all kinds of special materials according to international standards. Several decades of experience and meticulous improvements of its production methods have made Bronswerk the specialists in building heat exchangers for specific applications such as high pressure (1000 Bar), corrosive environment and temperatures ranging from -196°C up to to more than 800°C.
Compact design heat exchanger
Amongst our traditional and custom made designs of heat exchangers we also use our compact design heat exchanger the so-called patented revolutionary compact header design to enable at least the same reliability, maintainability and applicability looking at the media, temperatures, pressures and corrosion resistance having smaller dimensions, less weight, mechanical more reliability, longer life time against lower costs, and shorter delivery time. The use of this type of heat exchangers results in enormous savings and enables not yet shown solutions in applications.
Heat exchanger configurations
A-frame, flat and v-type vacuum condensers, vacuum surface condensers, shell and tube (also titanium cladded), bayonet type and rod type fabled exchangers, special finned tube bundles for shell and tube exchangers, glass tube type, transfer line exchangers (LTE’s), waste heat boilers (incl. combustion chambers and burners), sulphur condensers, HP boiler manifolds/panels, HSRG’s and waste heat recovery units, steam generators, heat recovery systems, high pressure vessels, scrubbers and separators, vaporizers, propane condensers, falling flim exchangers, air heaters / chillers, droplet separators, industrial blowers, condensers, high pressure (Bronswerk patented), v’s breech-lock exchangers, multi tube and double pipe exchangers, regeneration gas coolers (multi-flow type i.e. UOP licenses), de-super heating exchangers, spiral heat exchangers and condensers, finned and bare tube type, desulphurisation exchangers, scraped surface, thin film exchangers, inter stage coolers, cabin and box heaters, cylindrical heaters, air pre-heaters, heat recovery exchangers, cracking heaters.