The HYDROSAFE holds complete assembly hazardous certifications with a “touch-safe” exterior versus competitors that offer enclosure-only certifications.
The seal gas is heated inside a small diameter seamless formed cylinder to allow for high system pressure capability requirements. In addition to high pressure capabilities, up to 6800 psi (469 bar) in the standard offering, the heater is up to 50 percent smaller than comparable circulation heaters. The empty weight of the HYDROSAFE heater is about 300 pounds (136 kgs) maximum. This small footprint and weight allow the user to reduce the cost of the supporting super structure on rigs, platforms, FPSOs, vessels, etc. Indirect technology means there is no concern about your seal gas stream ever coming into contact with the heating elements, especially when elements reach end-of-life conditions and are typically more susceptible to corrosion. The small diameter and low volume pressure boundary allow use in many countries without the need for further pressure vessel certifications.