“We have achieved excellent results with the simulator and appreciate L-3 MAPPS’ level of engagement,” said Roger Lufi, simulator supervisor at Axpo’s Beznau Nuclear Power Plant. “We are pleased to advance the Beznau simulator with L-3’s latest simulation technology.”

“L-3 MAPPS appreciates working with Axpo and is pleased to evolve the simulator to our state-of-the-art Orchid simulation environment,” said Michael Chatlani, vice president of marketing and sales for L-3 MAPPS Power Systems and Simulation. “We are happy that the simulator has met our customer’s expectations.”

In addition to refreshing the computer hardware and performing a Windows Server 2008 update, L-3’s previous generation simulation software development and maintenance tools will be upgraded with Orchid Simulator Executive, Orchid Configuration Manager, Orchid Network Loader, Orchid Graphic Editor, Orchid Modeling Environment and Orchid Instructor Station.

The Beznau simulator, put into service by L-3 MAPPS on 30 March 2007, services two Westinghouse pressurized water reactor (PWR) units at the Beznau site in northeastern Switzerland. The near-identical Beznau 1 and 2 units, each with a rated net output of 380 MWe, have been supplying reliable, safe and clean baseload power to nine cantons since 1969 and 1971, respectively. Unit 1 is the longest running PWR that operates in the world today.

L-3 MAPPS, a division of the L-3 Marine & Power Systems group, has over 25 years of experience in pioneering technological advances in the marine automation field and over 35 years of experience in delivering high-fidelity power plant simulation to leading utilities worldwide. In addition, the company has more than three decades of expertise in supplying plant computer systems for Canadian heavy water reactors. L-3 MAPPS also provides targeted controls and simulation solutions to the space sector.