Wallenstam was the first in the sector to be self-sufficient in renewable energy with its investment in wind power. Now the company is taking the next step in its sustainability work by complementing this with solar cells. The entire property holdings comprising around 220 properties have been analyzed to evaluate the potential for installation of solar cells.
“As you know, we were the first in the sector to be self-sufficient in renewable energy as far back as 2013 through our wind turbines. To complement this with solar cells is an important step in our sustainability work and supports one of the five goals we have prioritized within the UN’s Agenda 2030, Affordable and Clean Energy,” says Karin Mizgalski, Sustainability Manager.
So far, two properties have had solar cell units installed but the entire property holdings comprising just over 220 properties have now been screened to see where solar cells are best suited. Apart from analyzing the existing holdings, the potential for solar cells is being evaluated in all new construction.
“In each new construction project, we are analyzing the potential for solar cells. This is a resource-efficient way to supply the properties with electricity. We are currently reviewing the entire project ‒the project plan is not fully nailed down yet but this is a sustainable initiative which means that we can relieve pressure on the grid and reduce our need to buy energy,” says Patrik Persson, Technical Director at Wallenstam.
The first property with solar panels in Wallenstam’s property portfolio was a newly constructed property in Barkarbystaden in Järfälla and after that a property in Kvillebäcken, Gothenburg also had solar panels installed. The electricity production that the property in Barkarby generates is equivalent to approximately 250,000 kilometers with an electric car.
“Wind power produces the most in the winter while the solar cell units have their highest production in the summer. This means that the combination of sun and wind is optimal for us at Wallenstam,” says Karin Mizgalski, Sustainability Manager.