Located immediately south and west of the existing Jonah Gas Field in Sublette County, Wyoming, the Jonah Energy’s NPL projects involves drilling up to 3,500 directional natural gas wells over a 10-year period.

The project involves approximately 141,000 acres of public, State, and private lands of which approximately 96% is on public lands managed by the BLM within its High Desert District.

Jonah Energy government and regulatory affairs director Paul Ulrich said: “We look forward to reviewing the details of the FEIS between now and the BLM’s Record of Decision on the project. We’re ready to get to work.

“As part of our plans for the project adjacent to the Jonah Field in Wyoming, Jonah Energy will readily continue to partner with the state, BLM, and various community and environmental organizations to ensure that the NPL project sets the standard for environmental protection and sustainable oil and gas drilling.”

The NPL project, if approved, is expected to unlock up to 7 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of natural gas and provide a reliable energy source for the county.

In addition to creating approximately 950 jobs during the development phase, the proposed project will generate $17.85bn in total revenues.

Wyoming Governor Matt Mead said: “Wyoming’s Energy Strategy included a goal of getting at least three major Environmental Impact Statements finished for large scale energy projects in the state.

“The release of the final environmental analysis of the Normally Pressured Lance natural gas project is exciting, and it is the second project that will have a completed Environmental Impact Statement – a win for Wyoming in all ways.”

Jonah Energy is one of the privately held natural gas producers in the US.