The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a Record of Decision (ROD) for the proposed Converse County Oil and Gas Project in Wyoming.

The project, which is expected to strengthen domestic energy production and independence, is proposed by Anadarko Petroleum and its partners, including Chesapeake Energy, Devon Energy, EOG Resources and Northwoods Energy.

Over 10 years, the operator group plans to drill about 5,000 oil and natural gas wells within a 1.5 million-acre project area in Converse County.

In addition to creating up to 8,000 jobs, the proposed Converse County oil and gas project is expected to provide $18bn to $28bn in federal revenues.

BLM principal deputy assistant secretary Casey Hammond said: “Today’s announcement aligns with the Department’s commitment to responsibly developing our nation’s vast energy resources.

“Projects like this strengthen the energy independence of the United States while creating jobs and fostering economic development.”

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon said that the ROD is the culmination of years of work between the Bureau of Land Management, the State of Wyoming and the oil and gas industry.

Gordon added: “I look forward to seeing this project and year-round drilling come to fruition in Wyoming.”

In a press statement, BLM said: “This decision modifies the 2007 Casper Field Office Resource Management Plan to allow for year-round drilling while continuing to protect non-eagle raptors in the area and conserve their habitat.”

BLM said that the record of decision approves the preferred alternative analysed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement and prevents any on-the-ground activity.

The project partners are required to secure separate site-specific review and approval for the on-the-ground construction and development.