In the first year of operation, the system is expected to provide more than 30 percent of the facility’s total energy that would otherwise be purchased from the local utility, while locking in significant savings over the system’s conservatively estimated 30-year lifespan.

“Adding solar to one of our larger manufacturing sites brings us significantly closer to achieving our corporate goals of integrating sustainability initiatives throughout Sub-Zero Group, Inc. while striving to produce the highest quality of luxury appliances possible,” said Sara Northouse, sustainability project leader for Sub-Zero Group, Inc. “Solar is a long-term investment that will deliver meaningful benefits for decades to come. As a company, we are mindful of our energy consumption and are excited to demonstrate our commitment to a more balanced, sustainable future for our customers and their communities.”

The solar addition is part of a 250,000-square-foot facility and manufacturing line expansion at the company’s Goodyear facility. The massive rooftop installation incorporates more than 11,000 highly reliable SunPower Performance Series solar panels on a custom ballasted racking system that helps avoid roof penetrations for maximum roof integrity. Positioning the panels at a 20-degree angle ensures maximum sunlight capture and peak production throughout the day.

“We’re extremely proud to have helped Sub-Zero Group, Inc. with this important initiative,” said Russ Patzer, CEO of Sun Valley Solar Solutions. “Adding them to our growing customer list of successful, forward-thinking organizations is a huge step in helping other companies understand how going solar is the best way to ensure a healthier bottom line and a healthier environment.”

Over the lifespan of the array, the new SunPower system is expected to offset over 205 million kilowatt-hours of electricity use.

Source: Company Press Release.