Regenerative power plants play a decisive role for a sustainable, decentralized electricity supply. With the new Power Plant Manager, SMA makes sure that decentralized energy systems in the megawatt range meet all requirements for networking, digitalization and data security and gets them ready for new business models in the energy markets. Based on the SMA energy management platform ennexOS, the Power Plant Manager not only monitors, optimizes, controls and visualizes the grid-conform energy generation, it also enables the integration of large battery-storage systems and other decentralized energy generators into the overall system.

“With the new SMA Power Plant Manager, regenerative power plants are optimally prepared for the requirements for decentralized and hybrid energy generation as well as flexible energy marketing,” said Dr. Andreas Paetzold, Platform Product Manager at SMA. “The Power Plant Manager is responsible for the entire power and energy management for PV power plants with or without a battery-storage system, for grid-coupled mass storage devices, PV diesel systems and complete microgrids. Together with grid-forming battery inverters from SMA, even conventional PV power plant functions such as black starts and automatic grid synchronization as well as a backup power supply can be provided.”

Clear presentation of the complete system in Sunny Portal

The SMA Power Plant Manager visualizes all current and historical energy flows of the system at power plant and device level. The system-wide access to operating data and parameters saves time during commissioning and maintenance. Operators can also keep track of the efficiency of the complete energy system in Sunny Portal, the professional monitoring solution by SMA, on clear dashboards and with comprehensive analysis tools at all times. Regular software updates – installed automatically upon request – provide new functions and ensure the safe operation of the plant.

The new SMA Power Plant Manager controls energy generation, storage and consumption with regard to the point of interconnection. As a result, power plant operators ensure that the requirements by the grid operators and energy market regulators for the remote controllability, grid feed-in and load control as well as grid stabilization through voltage and frequency control are always met.