Site Facility lives to find the solution to the client’s challenges – whether it is about facilities and service on site, accommodation or other tasks. Our experience creates the foundation for new creative ways to solve problems. We always find a way – whether the challenge is big or small, on shore or offshore – and we do it worldwide. This allows the clients to concentrate on what they do best, while we are handling the problems.

Camp anywhere

Site Facility’s camp anywhere concept is, in short, to bring the hotel to the client – where the client needs it. Often in connection with large construction or wind turbine projects, in locations where there is often a long way to the nearest hotel, or in situations where the local hotels cannot accommodate a large number of workers.

The main concept is to take a heavy task off the client’s shoulders and instead place it with Site Facility, which is a specialist in the field – thereby saving the client both money and hassle. Or, as we like to call it: Save more – worry less.

By doing so, the clients will instead be able to focus on their core businesses.

The product does not just consist of running the actual hotel, but also all the work that goes into it beforehand: including, for example, obtaining permits from the authorities, negotiating with landowners and the recruitment of staff – as well as everything that takes place after the project finishes, including decommissioning and restoration.

Your camp

A camp is your own, tailor-made hotel, which has everything your employees need – and with your very own staff who can focus solely on you – 24 hours a day.

The camp can include everything from fitness centre, cinema and meeting facilities to a restaurant and swimming pool. We can furthermore organise events for the residents and take care of medical services, shuttle service and security.

Project hotel

A project hotel is when Site Facility establishes a hotel close to the site. You book rooms as and when you need them – under the same conditions as you would with an ordinary hotel.

Hotel management

Hotel management is when we find suitable hotels in the area and negotiate favourable rates on your behalf. We can furthermore handle bookings, daily contact with the hotels and other services such as washing of work clothes, etc.

On-site facilities and services

Site Facility is able to take care of everything you need on-site – from workshops, offices and meeting rooms to canteens, catering and changing rooms. No challenge is too large or too small – and no problem is impossible to solve. We have a lot of experience, ideas and creative approaches to most challenges. And in most cases, we will come up with a completely new approach in order to satisfy the requirements of both our clients and their employees.

Top benefits of using Site Facility’s camps

A better bottom line

  • A camp/site hotel located very close to site means that hundreds of man-hours are not wasted behind the steering wheel in transportation time
  • Less demand for buying and leasing cars during the project period
  • The ability to be on-site within a few minutes results in an increased productivity during the project period
  • The closeness to site and the working efficiency reduces costs for cranes and for hiring other equipment.

Increased well-being

  • Good and healthy food during the project period
  • In the camp there is only one client, meaning that all services and facilities are customized to this one client and can continually be adjusted to the development of the project – flexible opening hours in the restaurant; managing a two-shift operation etc.
  • Through communication and interaction between guests and camp management small frustrations are identified and handled before they turn into problems
  • Due to less driving/transportation time personnel have more time for relaxation and recovery
  • Spare time facilities can be provided on demand: fitness centre, cinema, game room etc., and external spare time activities and excursions are arranged.

Increased safety

  • Fewer car accidents due to only a minimum of transportation time between camp and site
  • Much better control with alcohol, ‘lady visits’ and drugs when living in a camp with the right extent of supervision.


  • For camp solutions local staff are always used as well as local craftsmen for mounting and demounting the camp
  • Local supplier of living modules and other supplies
  • Improvements are left to the local community after the project period: a renovated village hall; a new fitness centre; improved infrastructure or other things
  • A good dialogue and co-existence with the local community.