This product is designed specifically for the residential and C&I rooftop markets in North America, and will bring solar projects installed after Jan. 1, 2019 into compliance with NEC 2017 module-level rapid shutdown.

When compared to traditional modules, Seraphim’s integrated rapid-shutdown modules with NEP PV-Guard help optimize the safety and performance of any given PV array. Smart modules offer customers’ real-time monitoring at the module level to enable proactive maintenance, reducing losses, plus providing zero power clipping, flexible array design, and compatibility with leading inverters.

The NEP PV-Guard has two options for PV systems. 1) NEP PVG-B is a junction box-integrated rapid shutdown function, replacing the traditional junction box in order to meet module-level shutdown compliance without external boxes; and 2) Option 2 is the NEP PVG-R, a retrofit rapid shutdown solution. It is installed on the system separate from the modules.

The NEP PV-Guard has been tested and verified by leading string inverter manufacturers.

Source: Company Press Release