Renewables operator RES has been selected to provide asset management services for three wind farms in the UK and Ireland, totaling 98MW.

The company selected by ESB, Muirhall Energy and NTR to provide asset management services for three wind farms. Under the contracts, RES will provide services for the 24MW 12 turbine West Durham Wind Farm for ESB, the 46MW Crossdykes Wind Farm for Muirhall Energy and the 28MW Bunnyconnellan Wind Farm in County Mayo for NTR.

Muirhall’s 46MW Crossdykes wind farm’s construction will be completed next year. And, NTR’s Bunnyconnellan will be the second wind farm for RES to join its asset management portfolio, following last autumn’s agreement for the 25MW Castlecraig Wind Farm in County Tyrone.

RES asset management head Darren Cook said: “Our reputation for renewable asset management continues to grow at pace and agreeing three new contracts is further validation of our world-class expertise and track record of maximising the potential of wind, solar and energy storage projects.

“Our commitment to unlocking extra value from every renewable asset isn’t just good news for our partners, it is great news for consumers as cheaper renewable energy is the best way to drive down the overall cost of power while reducing our carbon emissions.”

The contracts increase RES’ portfolio of assets managed to 1.39GW in UK and Ireland

With the three new contracts, the number of separate assets managed by the company in the UK and Ireland has now grown to 92, with a generating capacity of 1.39GW.

ESB asset management engineer Alan Jones said: “RES has been able to demonstrate an impressive track record on improving the performance of renewable assets it manages, and we’re looking forward to seeing the results of how they apply their expertise in the coming years.”

Muirhall senior technical asset manager Sean MacDougall said: “Crossdykes is set to be one of the first subsidy-free onshore wind farms developed and that requires the site to be operated as efficiently as possible. A comprehensive and wide-ranging proposal made RES the ideal partner to manage what will be one of the most important wind farms to be developed in the UK to date.”

In May this year, RES took over operations and management contracts for six wind farm sites from from Ainscough Wind Energy Services (AWES).

With the contracts the company’s renewable energy support services portfolio has now increased to 5GW.