The Bureau of Reclamation has announced that it is making grant funding available as part of the WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant Program. Through water and energy efficiency grants, Reclamation provides funding to undertake projects that result in quantifiable and sustained water savings, increase the production of hydropower and support broader water reliability benefits. This funding opportunity is for projects in 2020 and 2021.

“We’ve seen drought severely impact local, western communities,” said Commissioner Burman. “Through Water and Energy Efficiency Grants, water districts are partnering with Reclamation on the construction of water conservation and hydropower projects, one of the priorities of this administration to modernize our infrastructure.”

Eligible applicants for funding include states, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts or other organizations with water or power delivery authority located in the western United States or United States territories. Alaska and Hawaii are also eligible to apply.

Federal funding is available in two groups. In the first group, up to $300,000 per agreement is available for a project that can be completed within two years. In the second group, up to $1.5 million per agreement is available for a project that can be completed within three years. Recipients must match the funding with a minimum of 50% cost-share.

“Water entities can leverage their money and resources through this program to conserve and use water more efficiently,” said Reclamation’s WaterSMART program manager Joshua German. “Some of the projects will facilitate future on-farm improvements and may be eligible for funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service through their Environmental Quality Incentives Program.”

There are two closing dates for the funding opportunity. For projects in 2020, applications are due on October 2, 2019. After this date, applications will be considered for 2021 and will be due on September 30, 2020. Learn more at by searching for funding opportunity number BOR-DO-20-F001.

Source: Company Press Release