Pacifico Energy’s two solar plants will be located in Wake, Okayama Prefecture (the Bizen plant) and Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture (the Yumesaki plant) in Japan.

The Bizen plant will be constructed on the site of a golf course in Wake-gun, Okayama Prefecture. Operations of this plant are expected to start in Spring of 2020. When commissioned, the 112MW plant could generate about 132million KWh of clean electricity annually, while helping to avoid nearly 90,000 tons of CO2 emissions, every year.

Electricity generated from the plant will be purchased by Chugoku Electric Power, pursuant to the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electric Utilities.

The second plant, Yumesaki will also be constructed on the site of golf course in Himeji-city, Hyogo Prefecture. When completed in the fall of 2020, the 72MW solar plant is expected to generate nearly 84 million KWh of clean electricity, while contributing to an annual reduction of about 42,000 tons of CO2 emissions.

Kansai Electric Power will purchase all the power generated from the solar plant and is pursuant to the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electric Utilities.

Pacifico Energy has already completed the construction of two solar plants in Okayama (in Kumenan and Mimasaka), one solar power plant in Osaki, Miyagi, and one solar power plant in Miyazaki with a total capacity of 227.4MW.

Besides the two plants, the company is presently constructing several power plants including a 257MW solar plant in Okayama, a 42MW solar plant in Fukushima, a 62MW solar plant in Aichi and a 55MW solar plant in Gifu.

The Bizen and Yumesaki plants are the second and third projects for the company to have begun construction this year.