The stake sale agreement has been signed with the existing partners in the Block 5 exploration licence, subsidiaries of Murphy Oil Corporation, Wintershall Dea and Petronas.

Upon closing, interest in the licence will be held by Murphy Sur, S. de R.L de C.V at 40% (operator), Sierra Offshore Exploration, S. de R.L. de C.V. at 30% and PC Carigali Mexico Operations, S.A. de C.V. at 30%.  The sale is for a cash consideration of $35 million, which accounts for back costs (including its share of the recent well) alongside a cash premium. The proceeds will be used to enhance liquidity.

The gross book value of the asset being sold is $24 million. The sale is expected to close before the end of the year and is subject to government and regulatory approval under the Block 5 exploration licence.

This transaction is consistent with Ophir’s stated strategy of minimising its exposure to exploration and the update provided in our 2018 Financial Results that stated we were in advanced discussions with regards to the sale of our interest in Block 5.

Stellar Advisors were retained by Ophir to manage the process. Bracewell (UK) LLP acted as legal adviser to Ophir.

Source: Company Press Release