Malaysia will need RM30 BN to build 7000MW of new capacity over the next five years, according to Datuk Mohd Nor, director general of the Department of Electricity and Gas Supply Malaysia (DEGSM). He added that this did not include the funds needed to revive the Bakun project. The DEGSM will be replaced with an energy commission later this year.

Sri Lanka plans to build two hydro and four thermal power stations, worth a total of US$500M, to meet rising demands for electricity, the country’s Senior Deputy Prime Minister told parliament while presenting the government’s 2001 annual budget. He provided no further details on the proposed projects.

A fourth dam is under construction on the section of the river Chirchik that runs through the southern outskirts of the Uzbek capital Tashkent. In all seven 150m dams are planned for a 6km stretch of the river to control the level of the water, which rises by ‘several metres every year’ according to the local authority.