Under the contract, Westinghouse Electric will develop and deliver two nuclear fuel assemblies for each NPP between 2016 and 2018.

Westinghouse Northern Europe vice president and managing director Johan Hallén said: "The contract is a result of the excellent fuel performance of Westinghouse products and we are very pleased to receive RWE’s and E.ON’s confidence to deliver fuel to a customer with very high quality standards.

"The Westinghouse fuel designs provided to both reactors are operating at industry-leading performance levels."
The contract includes two optional deliveries for each NPP in later years.

Work under the contract will be carried out by Westinghouse at its facility in Västerås, Sweden.

Located near Lingen in Niedersachsen, Germany, the Emsland NPP is a single pressurized water reactor (PWR) operated by Kernkraftwerke Lippe-Ems, which is 87.5% owned by RWE and 12.5% by E.ON.

Featuring two boiling water reactors (BWRs), the Gundremmingen NPP is located in Gundremmingen, Bavaria, and is operated by Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen.

RWE holds 70% of Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen while the remaining is owned by E.ON.