wind turbine

Under the first contract, Vestas will supply 75 V110-2.0MW turbines for the 150MW Slate Creek Wind Project in Kansas.

Vestas will also provide 150 V100-2.0MW turbines for the 300 MW Roosevelt Wind Project in New Mexico, as part of the second project.

Vestas US and Canada sales and service division president Chris Brown said, "Slate Creek will be our first V110-2.0 MW project with EDF RE, and Roosevelt will be the largest wind park in New Mexico,"

The two projects comprise three-year Active Output Management (AOM) 5000 service agreements aimed to ensure the turbines are operational when the wind is blowing.

EDF Renewable Energy executive vice president Ryan Pfaff said EDF Renewable Energy is working with Vestas to bring 450MW of wind facilities in the Southwest Power Pool online by the end of 2015.

"Both the 300 MW Roosevelt and 150 MW Slate Creek wind projects have long-term power purchase agreements in place with creditworthy counterparties, and we look forward to creating new American jobs in New Mexico, Kansas and elsewhere through the construction and long-term operation of the projects," Pfaff added.

Delivery of the Roosevelt project and the Slate Creek project, which are scheduled be commissioned in the fourth quarter 2015, is expected to take place in the second quarter of 2015 and third quarter of 2015 respectively.

Image: Vestas to supply wind turbines for two projects for EDF Renewable Energy. Photo: Photo: courtesy of dan/