Energywatch is currently conducting a quality audit of 12 online price comparison providers with a view to issuing them with its new ‘Confidence Code’ accreditation. The code is designed to give users of these comparison services confidence in the information they represent. Energywatch said that its review will be completed in the coming weeks and that it would not comment on its findings before launch.

However, the Guardian has reported that the energy watchdog is unhappy with leading player uSwitch for providing misleading material in order to encourage customers to switch.

uSwitch often earns commission when a customer switches supplier using its site and so Energywatch appears to be concerned that the company is putting profits ahead of accuracy and clarity.

According to the report from the UK newspaper, uSwitch has been given five days to change the way it represents information and prices or it will not receive Energywatch’s new accreditation.

The Guardian also reports that several other comparison providers have been issued with the same warning.