The department announced the funds as a part of its efforts to strengthen rural economy. The latest announcement is said to benefit an average of 8.6 million rural electric consumers every year.

USDA secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the funds include more than $126m in loans and grants to upgrade the rural electric infrastructure. The funds also include in excess of $20m for smart grid.

The department will also support smart grid technology to further enhance electricity efficiency and reliability of the rural electric system.

In the states of Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and Wyoming will get a loan of about $73m to upgrade generation and transmission facilities, improve transmission line and build a substation.

The loan amount also includes over $18m for smart grid projects.

In Georgia and North Carolina states $28m loan will be used to build 256 miles of distribution line and make system improvements.

An amount of $25,000 is reserved for smart grid projects.

Ohio State will get a loan of $4.5m to build 32 miles of distribution line and perform system improvements. An amount of $331,100 has been set aside for smart grid projects.

In the states of Texas and New Mexico funds of about $21m loan will be used to construct 495 miles of distribution line and make system improvements. The loan amount includes $1.4m for smart grid projects.