The company said that the Lasley No 4 well was re-entered recently that was facilitated with the company’s newly acquired 10T Smeal work-over rig.

After removal of the above ground completion components and rods, the cups, down-hole pump, and select rods were replaced following which the well was placed back into production.

The Lasley No 4 well was drilled and completed in August 1983 to a TD of 1560′ with production occurring from the Knox Formation in the interval from 1516-1524′.

After completion of the rework procedure, the company anticipates the Lasley No 4 will produce on average 1.5 -3bod.

The company has moved its work-over rig to the Lasely No 3 well located on the same leasehold and initiated the re-entry procedure.

At present, the company anticipates it will be required to remove and or replace the rods, tubing, down-hole pump, working barrel, and cups on the No 3 prior to placing it back into production.