Gen4 Energy is collaborating with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of South Carolina, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Idaho National Laboratory, URS, and SRS USA, to work on the two-year grant.

GEN4 Energy CEO Bob Prince said a comprehensive understanding of natural circulation flow is a critical R&D priority as multiple advanced reactor concepts, including the Gen4 reactor, use it as a key safety measure.

”The transition to natural circulation flow is necessary to safely remove decay heat from the reactor in the event pumping power is lost to the reactor core,” Prince added.

”This project will develop computer models that will help us visualize natural circulation flow and integrate it into safe, reliable next generation advanced nuclear reactor designs.”

The investment in advanced nuclear reactors forms part of the US Government’s strategy to accelerate clean energy leadership, enable a low-carbon economy, cut carbon pollution, and also support the President’s plan to spark innovation across several energy technologies, including emerging nuclear technologies.