According to the National Grid, it marked the first time ever since the Industrial Revolution in the 1880s that Britain had a coal-free day as far as electricity generation is concerned.

Friday’s zero coal usage has been termed as a “watershed” moment by the energy provider.

The UK’s longest continuous energy period for coal-free electricity generation was previously for 19 hours in May 2016 which was replicated again on last Thursday, reported the BBC.

Friday’s achievement is considered to be the first time that the UK has generated electricity without using coal ever since the first ever centralised public coal-fired plant in the world commenced operations in 1882 in London at Holborn Viaduct.

National Grid’s Cordi O'Hara was by the publication as saying: "To have the first working day without coal since the start of the industrial revolution is a watershed moment in how our energy system is changing.

"The UK benefits from highly diverse and flexible sources of electricity. Our energy mix continues to change and National Grid adapts system operation to embrace these changes."

The publication, citing, said that half of the coal-free energy that was generated on the historic Friday had originated from natural gas while nuclear plants contributed about a quarter. The remainder power was generated from biomass, wind and imported energy.

Image: Fiddlers Ferry coal-fired power station in the UK. Photo: courtesy of Alan Godfree/