Ngege-1 encountered over 5m of net oil pay and 9m of net gas pay in separate sands and was drilled to a total depth of 640m. The well was drilled some 3km from the crest of the structure and seismic interpretation indicates further significant potential up dip.

Downhole pressure testing and sampling have confirmed the presence of dry gas and moveable oil. Reservoir quality for both zones is deemed excellent. Logging has been successfully completed and the well has been suspended as a potential future producer.

Ngege-1 is located 41km northeast of the Taitai-1 discovery well and tested the Victoria Nile Delta play in a new fairway along the axis of the Lake Albert Rift Basin. Results have confirmed the presence of well developed reservoir and seals, and thereby upgrade several other prospects which are included in the current drilling campaign.

The Karuka-1 prospect, which lies 24km south of Ngege-1, is the next drilling location and operations are expected to commence at the end of June 2008. The Karuka-1 is an escarpment fan prospect analogous to the Taitai-1 discovery.

The company said that there are no plans to test Ngege-1 at this time, and the best candidates for testing and appraisal drilling will be assessed on overall merit at the end of the regional drilling campaign.