Trump said that the country will cease implementation of the climate accord which he said had financially burdened the US.

In an address from the White House, the American President said that the Paris climate accord signed by his predecessor Barrack Obama benefited other countries, giving them unfair advantage at the cost of the US.

The climate accord imposed on the US had destroyed several jobs while weakening the American industry, said Trump.

He alleged further that the Paris accord signed by 195 countries in 2015 was less about climate and more about other countries getting a financial advantage over the US.

Trump said: “I cannot, in good conscience, support a deal that punishes the United States — the world’s leader in environmental protection — while imposing no meaningful obligations on the world’s leading polluters.”

The US Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry has backed the President’s decision to pull out from the Paris climate agreement saying that it will prove to be the right course of action.

Perry added: “Instead of preaching about clean energy, this Administration will act on it. Our work and deeds are more important than empty words. I know you can drive economic growth and protect the environment at the same time, because that is exactly what I did as Governor of Texas.

“The United States will continue to be actively engaged in the development of global energy and the world leader in the development of next generation technology.”

Denouncing Trump’s decision to pull out from the climate accord was Green America. The green economy organization has accused the Trump government of denying the problem of global warming and that it did not make an effort in providing leadership to address climate change.

Green America executive co-director Fran Teplitz calling the move to be in the wrong direction for both the US and the world, said: "There is tremendous urgency – for the sake of our communities, human health, the environment, and the economy – to expedite the transition to a clean energy economy that works for everyone. Trump's decision to support the fossil fuel industry over the interest of people and the planet is an historic failure."

Image: US President Donald Trump. Photo: courtesy of President Donald J. Trump (from the White House) (direct link)/Wikipedia.