The company utilized a small drilling rig to complete the drilling of part of the vertical portions of both wells and a second larger rig has now completed the horizontal portions of both wells.

James Abcouwer, president and CEO of Trans Energy, said: “We were successful in drilling the horizontal laterals to our targeted lengths in both wells. The Whipkey #2H lateral, at 4,000ft, is almost twice the length of our Hart #28H lateral. We plan to frac one well in April and the second well in May.

“We have to-date successfully drilled and completed four vertical Marcellus wells. We have also successfully drilled and completed one horizontal Marcellus well, the Hart #28H, and now drilled and cased two horizontal wells in Marshall County, WV. Continuing our horizontal development program is another significant step forward for Trans Energy to properly develop its acreage position in northern West Virginia.”

The company continues to expand its acreage position centered on Wetzel, Marion, and Marshall counties in West Virginia.