TradeWind Energy LLC (TradeWind Energy) is planning to set up 335 wind generators on the Skyline county, Washington. The project is expected to cost around $1 billion. The proposed wind generators will be raised to 385 feet from the ground and will generate around 500 megawatts of electricity, each can generate power to supply around 500 to 1,000 homes. This project process takes two years. An expected 150 construction workers might be needed to erect the generators.

Tim Wichman, leasing manager for TradeWind Energy, has been working with county officials since March 2008 and contacting the around 600 property owners for possible property rights. Wichman has said that some leases have already been signed and that area farmers are receptive to leasing their property.

If all the generators have been constructed more than $1 million per year in new revenue would be garnered for property owners, and $3 to $4 million will be generated for local school districts in new property taxes.

This project, which process takes two years, will also generate jobs for the area. Additionally, 10 to 15 permanent employees would be needed to maintain the wind farm. If all goes as planned, the company plans to start construction in three to five years.