“We chose the FLEX due to its wide range of instrumentation, from power management to RF,” stated C.H. Ang, chief operating officer, Unisem Group. “The flexibility of the system allows it to be configured to test a particular mix of devices and then, as test requirements change, the system can be quickly adapted by adding or relocating instrumentation. This allows us to get new devices to market faster while achieving lowest cost of test.”

“We are pleased that Unisem, a long time Teradyne customer, has chosen the FLEX,” stated Bill Schymik, FLEX platform manager, Teradyne. “With FLEX, you optimize your capital investment while achieving superior performance and throughput across the widest range of device technologies-including digital, analog, DC, RF and memory.”

The company is approaching 2000 shipments of FLEX test family. The FLEX family eagerly adapts to the new test needs. With universal slot architecture and the high-density instrument design, test engineers can dynamically match the system configurations to changing production needs on the test floor.