Due to extraordinary loss of JPY68.8 billion (JPY70.3 billion on a non-consolidated basis) resulting from inspection and restoration costs of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station hit by the Niigata-Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake, net loss was 84.5 billion (JPY113.1 billion on a non-consolidated basis).

Electricity sales in the fiscal year decreased 2.8% from the previous fiscal year to

289.0 billion kWh, not only due to decreased demand in large industrial power sector, but also due to the effect of a warmer winter than in the previous year.

Of the total, electricity sales for residential use decreased by 1.6% to 96.1 billion kWh, low-voltage power decreased by 6.9% to 11.9 billion kWh, and specified-scale demand decreased by 3.2% to 181.0 billion kWh, compared with the previous fiscal year, respectively.

On the revenues side, electricity revenues increased by 7.8% from the previous fiscal year to JPY5,295.9 billion due to the fuel cost adjustment system. Operating revenues, including sales to other companies, etc., increased by 7.4% to JPY5,887.5 billion

(up 8.0% to JPY5,643.3 billion on a non-consolidated basis). Ordinary revenues increased by 7.2% to JPY5,951.0 billion (up 7.9% to JPY5,683.3 billion on a non-consolidated basis).

On the expenses side, ordinary expenses in electric business increased by 8.5% from the previous fiscal year to JPY5,985.7 billion (up 9.2% to JPY5,773.5 billion on a non-consolidated basis) due to substantial increase in fuel cost and electricity purchase expenses caused by the shutdown of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station and the price hike of fuel.