Tanzania is construction the transmission line on a 667km long power line from Iringa to Shinyanga to interconnect the existing and future generating sources in the south and southwest of Tanzania.

The government of Japan, co-financing with the African Development Bank through the Enhanced Private sector Assistance initiative for Africa will give financial assistance in form of a loan of $723,895.

A joint venture will be formed between African Development Bank and the Japanese government each of which will provide $100m for the construction of the line between Dodoma and Singida.

The entire project will be financed by the donors in four lots.

The first lot will involve the construction of 225km double circuit of 400kV between Iringa and Dodoma, the second lot will be for 217km of double circuit between Iringa and Dodoma.

The third lot will involve 225km between Singida and Shinyanga and the fourth lot will be the Iringa, Singida and Shinyanga substations.

The other contributors include International Development Association providing $150m, the European Investment Bank providing $134.5m, the Export Bank of Korea another $36.4m and the government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) contributing a $100m.