The company claimed that the application was withdrawn due to a request to conduct further seasonal studies throughout 2015, which would have considerably lengthened the timescale and increased the project costs.

The firm intends to focus on other projects in development.

A Tamar spokesman was quoted by BBC as saying: "The facility would have been a reliable source of green energy for as many as 6,000 homes for the next 30 years.

"At the moment, much of Nottinghamshire’s food and other organic waste from homes, restaurants, schools and hospitals is sent to landfill, where it releases methane gas that harms the atmosphere."

According to the news report, the development plan adjacent a country park in Nottinghamshire was opposed by more than 600 people at a county council consultation. The local residents claimed that the facility would lead to heavy traffic and ‘nightmare smells’.

Friends of Gedling Country Park chairman Terry Lock was quoted by the publication as saying: "The idea behind anaerobic digesters is very good but the location for this one was utterly wrong."

However, Tamar Energy had said that smell emitted from the facility would have been neutralised with the help of a bio-filter system and a system of fans and ductwork.