The installation which began in December 2010 will serve all 54,000 residential, commercial and industrial members in the company’s 2,600 square mile territory in Florida, US.

The electric meters equipped with remote connect and disconnect and iPERL residential water meters, both of which are being read by the Sensus FlexNet communications network.

Talquin purchased the FlexNet Home Server software solution to support future smart grid program expansion for home energy management, utilizing ZigBee technology as well as pre-pay billing options.

Talquin engineering manager Jeremy Nelms said the smart grid program will replace an aging system in which the members had to submit their own electric meter reads each month.

"The new system will notify us when an outage occurs and when power is restored — an important benefit given that our members are located in a tropical storm and hurricane prone area," added Nelms.

The installation is part of Talquin’s advanced metering infrastructure and smart metering program, for which Talquin received an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act grant.