The reactors were shut down following an incident in July in which several safety systems did not function after a power failure. Forsmark Kraftgrupp has since completed several technical changes in order to avoid a recurrence of the incident, and these modifications have been reviewed and approved by The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI).

SKI is also imposing several requirements in connection with the restart of the reactors. These including requesting Forsmark Kraftgrupp to submit an implementation plan to show how it will improve maintenance, safety and incident handling processes.

Forsmark Kraftgrupp is also required to include the design basis for electrical power disturbances in the safety analysis report for the reactors, and SKI said that it requires disclosure of the instructions concerning safety issues given to the company’s managing director by the board of directors.

In addition, SKI said that will perform inspections more frequently than normal.

Forsmark Kraftgrupp’s total loss of revenue for the shutdown is estimated to amount to SEK1.5 billion, of which SEK1 billion is Vattenfall’s share.