The project designed and constructed by REC Solar will utilize REC solar panels and dual-axis system trackers, which will allow the mounted panels to follow the sun throughout the day, improving output by more than 35% compared to a traditional ground mount system.

The system is expected to produce an estimated 2.4 million kilowatt hours of energy annually and over 45 million kWh over 20 years and is expected to offset an estimated 47 million pounds of CO2 over 20 years.

Under a power purchase agreement signed with the City of Madera, SunEdison will finance, operate and maintain the solar power plant, and the city will buy the energy produced to meet 62% of the facility’s power needs and offset demand from the grid at predictable energy rates for 20 years.

REC Solar CEO Angiolo Laviziano said that REC Solar is excited to have participated in the Madera project, the size and technical complexity of which required critical advanced design and planning to ensure its economic success.

"We are pleased to see the tangible benefits of our expertise in engineering, design, and construction delivered to the city of Madera," Laviziano said.