Summary of hydro power project checklist
Topic Item
EIA Report complete? Approved? Other permits obtained?
Explanation Project and impacts adequately explained, including information disclosure? Does
to public public understand, respond?
Water quality Will stored/discharged water meet national quality standards? Will measures to prevent reservoir water quality degradation be taken?
Wastes Will excavation spoils be properly treated and disposed?
Protected areas Will project be in a protected area? Will it affect it?
Ecosystems Will project affect sensitive ecosystems, e.g. primeval/tropical rain forests, coral reefs, mangroves, tidal flats? Will it encompass protected habitats of endangered species? Will it adversely affect downstream biota/block fish migration?
Topo/geology Will project cause large-scale change?
Resettlement Will project cause involuntary resettlement? Has need been properly explained? Is plan including compensation based on adequate study?
Livelihood Will project negatively impact surrounding/downstream communities? Is sufficient local infrastructure available? Will local public health facilities be able to deal with ‘imported’ diseases (e.g. HIV/AIDS) among migrant workers?
Heritage Will it be protected? Will landscape be protected?
Minorities Are their rights protected?
Construction Will there be sufficient mitigation of impacts from construction?
Accidents Will there be adequate safety measures including accident prevention programmes, facilities and equipment? Will inhabitants be alerted to water discharges from the dam?
Monitoring Will it adequately cover all expected impacts (items, methods, frequencies)? Will framework be adequate (organisation, personnel, equipment, budget)?
Reference to other checklists Checklists for forestry, irrigation, water supply, and power transmission and distribution projects should be checked as necessary
Source: JBIC