The 15th wildcat to be drilled in the license, the well 25/11-28 is situated at the Gasol/Gretel prospect in the Norwegian North Sea.

The well is planned to be drilled south of the Grane field in the central part of the North Sea, the company said.

Planned to be drilled using semi-submersible Songa Trym, the well will determine potential hydrocarbon reserves in the Jurassic-aged Gasol and Permian-dated Gretel prospects in water depth of 115m, reported Upstream Online.

The company is scheduled to commence drilling at the well following securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities.

Statoil has 37% interest in the license and is the operator, while other partners include Petoro and ExxonMobil holding with 30% and 13%, respectively.

Statoil recently secured drilling permit from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate for well 16/7-11 located in production license 072 B.