The initial results from an exploration program consisting of detailed mapping, hand supported radiometric surveys, trenching and channel sampling from a portion of the Accocucho Sur target have returned significant widespread uranium mineralization from intensely fractured volcanic ash flow tuffs and ignimbrites.

The Accocucho Sur target is one of four targets located in the large Chacaconiza project area

The mineralized area is characterized by a radiometric anomaly striking for 1.5km that was outlined during a regional survey done in 2006.

Southern Andes Energy president and CEO Nick Tintor said that these are excellent preliminary
results from just a small part of one large radiometric anomaly that underscores the potential the company sees at Chacaconiza.

"The increase in disseminated uranium in Trench 14 is especially of significance as the majority of uranium found to date in the Macusani Uranium District is fracture controlled," Tintor said.