Katz, since 1993, has been the owner and operator of Sustainable Resources Management Inc. Prior thereto, for 15 years Katz held various positions with Ontario Hydro. He has extensive experience in technological products and program evaluations for energy and building automation in both the institutional and the marketplace settings. Katz current sales, marketing and consulting activities include energy management, building automation, technology product assessments, sustainable GREEN buildings, renewable energy systems, distributed generation and the competitive opportunities arising from the worldwide deregulation of utilities.
Holesh is a chartered accountant and turnaround professional and has been involved in the operational side of turnarounds in excess of 20 years. During that time he has been involved with the manufacturing operations of public and private companies in Canada and the US and has also undertaken the transfer of production to low cost labour countries. Prior to his involvement in turnarounds, he practiced as a receiver and manager.
de Klerk is a chartered accountant providing project management, controllership and senior financial management services for a variety of businesses. He is also a CPA in the US.
Hager co-founded SonnenEnergy GmbH, the company’s main operating subsidiary, with Hager in 2004.