The well encountered 240 net feet of pay in the Eocene El Gueria limestone that was drilled vertically to a depth of 9,728ft.

The well was cased to total depth and three production tests were performed through 2 1/4" diameter test string, from 42ft above the water contact to 177ft above the water contact.

All three tests flowed substantial quantities of gas and condensate, with test 2 observing sustained rates approximately 750 barrels of condensate and 8 million cubic feet of gas per day and peak condensate rates as high as 1,100 barrels per day.

Tests 1 and 3 observed sustained rates of approximately 600 barrels of condensate per day and gas ranging from 8 – 11.5 million cubic feet of gas per day.

All tests produced water ranging from 200-350 barrels per day, which included both drilling fluids and formation water; water was decreasing and oil increasing throughout the tests.

Sonde will temporarily abandon the well in a manner allowing it to be utilized for future development purposes.