wind turbine

The project is located 90km west of the island of Sylt in water depths between 25m and 37m within the exclusive economic zone off the German North Sea coast.

Under the contract, Siemens will also provide maintenance services on the Sandbank installations for an initial period of five years.

The Siemens’ Model SWT-4.0-130 wind turbines, rated at 4MW each, feature 63m-long aeroelastic blades, designed to be flexible under high wind loads and contribute significantly to increasing efficiency while lowering costs.

Considered to be among the most modern offshore wind farms anywhere in the world, the Sandbank wind farm construction is expected to commence in summer 2015 and will be commissioned at the end of 2016.

Siemens Energy Wind Power Division CEO Markus Tacke said: "Thanks to Vattenfall’s expertise in project construction and operation and Siemens’ innovative technology and service prowess, Sandbank will boldly demonstrate just how far we’ve come in reducing the costs of offshore wind power."

Vattenfall Continental/UK region Renewables Business Unit head Gunnar Groebler said: "The Sandbank project is further testament to Vattenfall’s strategy of consistently focusing our growth efforts on the expansion of renewable energy."

Image: Siemens’ SWT-4.0-130 wind turbine. Photo: © Siemens AG.