Siemens is taking the lead role in transporting them to Point Lepreau as it is the equipment manufacturer, and coordinated the transportation of the rotors to the Saint John Harbour from a Siemens factory overseas.
The new rotors will replace two of the three current rotors in service at the Point Lepreau Generating Station which were deemed acceptable for shorter term use after they were damaged in transit in 2008. This equipment will be stored at PLGS until they are replaced during a future planned maintenance outage.
It will take approximately six hours to move each rotor from start to finish. Tentatively, the dates for movement are Sunday, January 19, and Sunday, January 26, starting at 6:00 am. These dates are weather permitting as high winds, heavy rain or snow, icy conditions, and/or poor visibility need to be avoided.
Siemens is being assisted by NB Power, transportation experts, emergency response organizations, and local and provincial government agencies to ensure a safe and event-free delivery that minimizes impacts to the public.
The rotors will be transported using a 19-axle trailer specially designed for transporting heavy loads. As it will be travelling at approximately 15-20 km/hour for most of the 50 km journey, there will be police escorts for the duration of the trip. A replacement truck and specialized mechanics will also be part of the convoy. Emergency vehicles will be given priority assistance in passing the convoy.
Motorists and truck traffic are advised to avoid travelling on King Street West, Market Street and Ludlow Street in Saint John West between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. on Sunday, January 19 and Sunday, January 26, 2014. Delays can also be expected on Route 1 (the provincial highway the runs between St. Stephen and Saint John) between 7 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on the eastbound and westbound lanes of Route 1 from Ludlow Street in Saint John West to Route 790 at Lepreau. The northbound and southbound lanes of Route 790 will be affected from Route 1 to the Ridge Road (up to Point Lepreau) from 8:30 a.m. until noon. All delays will be intermittent, but may last more than 30 minutes and will include road closures and detours.
The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure will erect signs to alert motorists of the activities.