Of the total, 24 plants totaling 540Mw are situated in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, four facilties with a capacity of 200MW in Gansu province, a 50MW plant in Shaanxi Province and one each plant with 30MW and 20MW in Ningxia Hui autonomous region and Qinghai province.

In addition, the company has grid-connected 50MW solar power plant in Jinchang, Gansu province, which increased the firm’s total grid-connected aggregate annual designed capacity to 890 MW.

Shunfeng Photovoltaic International Zhang Yi said the company has been completing grid-connection milestones ahead of schedule by achieving a total of 890 MW on-grid solar capacities.

"Under the policy support from The Central Government and the financial support from large scale of financial institutions, we are full of confidence in achieving a further success in grid-connection in the near future," Yi added.