The well, which was drilled to a total depth of 3,400m, encountered a 726m potential gross oil column in Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic with 120 m of net matrix pay in Jurassic.
The company said that drilling shows and log results suggest as much as 140m of further potential net pay in the Upper Butmah and Cretaceous formations that will be further tested in later wells.
Ten drillstem tests were run across horizons in Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic to establish reservoir pressure gradients, fluid content and properties, and reservoir deliverability.
Three Middle and Upper Jurassic fractured carbonates flowed at a combined, equipment-limited rate of more than 6,393 b/d of 26.5° gravity oil.
According to the company, well analysis show the intervals are capable of much higher rates when completed for production.
The well was operated by the joint-venture company GEP, which holds an 80% working interest in the block.