The well is targeting five separate multi-layer clastic and carbonate reservoirs of late Miocene to early Pliocene age in the interval from 1,400m to 3,500m measured depth and will be deviated at a maximum angle of approximately 30 degrees in order to reach each target at the optimum subsurface location.

The reservoirs have been prognosed on the basis of offset well data and modern 3D seismic.

The Marindan well is being drilled about 2.5km from the Pegah-1 well drilled by an earlier operator in 1974 and the well found oil trace shows, producing a small volume of gas during a drill stem test.

Water depth at the well location is 55m and the well is expected to take approximately 30 days to complete.

Serica is operator of the Kutai PSC and holds a 30% interest.